Look...I may not know how to write a blog, but like I said, I sure love reading them. I have a long list of blogs that I follow and this is one of my favorites.
If you haven't been keeping up with her blog I suggest you do. Honestly, what have you been doing if not? Well, I guess you may not be into throwing parties or perhaps have a life. Both of which are fine and good.
Regardless, for the few and minuscule parties I throw, this blog and website have been nothing but inspiration for me.
This blog will give you great advice and show you images of real life parties to help inspire your own get together. Plus the entire site and every picture are perfectly colorful and drool worthy.
In reality I am completely jealous of this site and my self-esteem takes a hit when I realize that I have not one creative pulse in my body.
I really enjoy that blog too. I also come away feeling totally inadequate. So, its not just you.