Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ice Cream Inspiration

Since it seems my morning sickness woes are behind me I am ready to get back into the kitchen.  I could make delicious healthy meals for me and the babies, but why?  They want the real deal and so do I.  

Ice Cream!

I have been wanting an ice cream maker for years and this year for my Birthday my Mother In Law bought one for me.  Nothing screams summer like ice cream...or well, a sno-cone really screams it, but I didn't get a sno-cone machine for my Birthday.  Christmas maybe?

Anyhow I have started off slowly using the recipes the ice cream maker came with, just to see what I was up against.  Well come to find out, those recipes are fantastic.  I have made about 5 gallons of vanilla and I just tried mint chocolate chip.  Or rather, I made mint chocolate Thin Mint.  As a former Girl Scout, it's just in the blood.

After making the mint chocolate ice cream two things were revealed to me:

1. Sugar Face does not in fact like mint.  Not mint ice cream and definitely not mint toothpaste.

2.  That for AV the mint chocolate thin mint ice cream was...(I shall paraphrase)-but life changing.

Now, that I am on my way to conquering the pre-selected recipes I am ready to spread my little wings and fly.

Does anyone have a good ice cream recipe that I could so kindly borrow?

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