Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Melting Crayons

This is a project I have been harboring for a while.  My perfectionism reached a new level a few months ago when I could hardly look at the craft box.  It was overflowing with disgusting tiny broken crayons.  I crave a perfect crayon when I color and trying to tape a broken crayon never works.  It NEVER works!  

So, today was a cold, icy day and this was the perfect day to make a whole new crayon.

Step 1: We removed the paper from the crayons and sorted them into a new bowl.

Step 2: I then cut all the crayons into small 1/2 inch pieces.

Step 3: I let the kids mix the colors and place them into foil muffin liners.
p.s. My research showed that you should not put the crayons directly in the tin because the melted crayons are difficult to remove without scratching up your cookware.

Step 4: Place the muffin tin in a 250 degree oven for 15 minutes and cool for an hour.

The excitement of coloring with these things lasted about 5 minutes with the kids, and I hated coloring with them.  To tell you the truth the tops of the melted crayons all mixed and turned a grayish color, but the bottoms were cool looking.  The kids were so proud of their creation and that made the whole thing worth it!

1 comment:

  1. We did the same project...with the same results. ICK! Next time, I will seperate them into the same general color.
